Friday, August 03, 2007

Kyle Here:
Spent most of the day yesterday traveling from Zambia to Cape Town, to which I realized that I love to travel, but not so much my fellow travelers in the airport. I long for the orderliness of American airports.
We went on a tour of a township today, as well as visiting the District Six museum and actual area. Truly amazing to try to grasp the destruction and racism here in South Africa. The township tour went to a school, tenement, and a shanty. Hard to understand the poverty of these places, even with the photos.
Our boat trip to Robben Island was cancelled due to rough seas. Not really a loss for me, but I would have liked to have seen the island, and learned about what Mandela went through. We briefly viewed some of the Mandela museum. Walked around the wharf, and had some good sea food. Found a big market, and might buy some more items, I guess.
Went to a meeting, and met some nice folks. Someone is going to pick me up on Sunday for the 5 o'clock. Has been some time since my last one.
Not feeling too well tonight, somewhat like flu symptoms....I hope it passes quickly.

Things I learned today:
Always get good directions.
Take pictures when ever you see a good shot.
Carry ointment when necessary.
Have small bills on hand.
Don't hug the dirty street urchins.
Need to find an importer for Grenadillas in the States.


Unknown said...

Omfungobi, Jarae has antibotics - take some so you will feel better.
Mother Cheryl :-)

Anonymous said...

You were supposed to keep your mitts to's gone and caught the malaria you crazy Wasson