Friday, July 20, 2007

I believe if there are 2 words that do not exist in the Dutch language, privacy and washcloths. Let me explain:
Privacy—I arrived a couple of hours before Kyle. I get in the room unpack, take a shower, and plan to take a little nap prior to his arrival. So once I do fall asleep, I hear a knock at the door. A little dazed and confused, I assume it is Kyle. Well before my feet can touch the floor, the door opens, and it is some guy who works for the hotel. He says he is sorry, and that he knocked several times (doubtful). I lay back down, just as I am about to fall asleep, there is another knock at the door. I think this has to be Kyle. Once again, before I can get out of bed the door opens. I don’t see anyone, but I say Hello. Then I hear a women say Sorry! Geez what is up with the place. I lay back down. Five minutes later there is another knock at this door. Now I am about to go postal. If that isn‘t Kyle then someone is going to get hurt. This time I literally jump from the bed. I open the door, and it is Kyle. Then early evening, I am in the room while Kyle is out exploring, and I am trying to get some sleep. There is a knock at the door. Now what do these people want. Well at least this guy waited for me to get to the door before barging in. He wants to check the contents of the mini bar. I inform him that we just arrived today, and nothing has been removed. He says he still needs to check. Alright then. So he does his inventory, and then asks if he can come back later to restock. I tell him I am trying to sleep and if he can just do this tomorrow. He replies, Oh I am sorry, I will inform the front desk of this and we will not disturb you. I wish someone would had done this 8 hours earlier.

Washcloths—There were no washcloths when I arrived. I assumed it was just something that was missed. So when Kyle returned from his explorations, he was going to run down to the front desk for something, so I asked him to see if he could ask them for some. When he returns, he said they would place some at our door in the AM. OK then. So in the AM there was nothing in front of the door. Kyle calls the front desk and asks for washcloths. The response on the other line was..What?? So we were trying to think of other words for washcloths or give them a better description. However, that didn’t seem to work, but they said they would bring some up. A few minutes later the phone rings, and they I inform us that the towels are outside our door. They didn’t knock, because we had the Do Not Disturb sign on the door. However, you will call us?? So what did we get?? No washcloths…just hand towels. Note to self: Next time in Holland bring loofa.

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