Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Since I am traveling business class, this allows me to access the “clubs” that the airlines have in the airport. Those are those secret little rooms, that have frosted glass surrounding them so those coach people can’t see all the good stuff inside. They want you to think you are missing out on the good life. I have always been curious what lies behind those frosty sliding glass doors. I imagined that you would walk in, and it would be similar to walking through the pearly gates….harps playing in the background, everyone is just so happy and pleasant, and you are treated like an angel. Well I hope I am not disappointed when I do go through the pearly gates, because what is behind those mysterious sliding doors isn’t all it is cracked up to be. There are no harps, the people don’t seem so happy, and I wasn’t feeling so angelic. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t like I was at some low-life bar. They had espresso, booze (which in my book is good), and a few munchies. However, instead of feeling like I was at some special club, it felt more like a hospital waiting room, except they had better coffee and Bailey’s to put in it.

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