Friday, July 08, 2005

On the road again....Well I am leaving Norway!;-( I had such a wonderful time. The weather was amazing and the scenery is absolutely beautiful. I had such a wonderful time w/ Pia, G-man, Sebastian and Jonathan. The kids are so cute and funny too! I also got all my favorite foods (thanks to Pia)..Norwegian meatballs, pancakes, hot dogs, and cake. YUMMMMMMM!!!!!!

It was fun to see everyone I know, and meet some new people. Everyone is so friendly, and even though some usually don't speak English until the Americans come around they all did very well. That is until they start have a few adult beverages. Then it gets really amusing.

Yesterday we went to tour the Norwegian Palace. According to European standards it is fairly modern. It was built in the 1800's. It was still very beautiful and ornate. I also learned some Norwegian history.

Well I am flying to London, and then catch my flight home Sat AM. Hopefully things in London have settled down. I am also happy to report that Bridget and Eryk are safe and sound! ;-)


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you weren't in London during the bombings & glad your friends are okay! Sounds like you had a blast, Jarae! Was that a picture of Bono in that tub?! ;-)

Anonymous said...

that last comment was from christy rowden ;-)

Storyteller Travel said...

Don't I wish it was Bono!