Friday, July 01, 2005

London Last Day

Well today it rained. It felt like home. However, unlike home I am usually not walking in it. Oh Well! Went to Kensington Palace today (where Princess Di used to live) I ended up taking the really long way there. I thought going to Notting Hill would be the faster route there. Once I get there I realized I was really a lot closer than I thought I was. Just down the street as a matter of fact. Oh well! I got a little more of a tour of Notting Hill. I then went back to the Tate. Yesterday, Bridget and I went, but we got there about a half an hour before it closed. So I was able to spend a little more time there and see the main collection. I then went to St. Paul's which is just over the millennium Bridge from the Tate. I love this church. The architecture and the detail is amazing. Nothing like you will ever see in the US. Just as I got there they started a service and the choir singing. It was really nice.

I met up w/ Bridget after work. We went to her flat (which is really cute), and she fixed a fabulous dinner. We first made a stop off at the grocery store, where she showed me all the weird stuff in a can. Breakfast All Day (eggs, cereal, sausage, and more disgusting stuff) EWWWWW. And I thought Spam was bad. We then watched English soap operas (which are really cheesy and bad acting).
I am off to Norway Friday. Not sure how connected I am going to be But I will try to update when I can. Before I sign off I have to say a BIG THANKS to Bridget and Eryk!!! They were fabulous tour guides in Dublin and London. Their hospitality went beyond the call of duty. They made my trip even more enjoyable. Cheers!!

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