Thursday, July 19, 2007

Well we both made. Everything went very smooth for both of us! Yeah! When Kyle arrived we walking down to the City Center. All sorts of shops and outdoor eating along the canals. I ran across a Camper shoe store that was having a sale. Yikes!! Kyle was trying to talk me into buying some. Bad Kyle. A fabulous looking cheese shop, and the flower market. They have a bulb for every known tulip known to man and then some. Then we headed back. I have been up for more than 24 hours. So I am back in the room chillen. Hoping I can fall asleep soon. Kyle went to go do a little more exploring. I will be posting some pics on picasa today. Now I am going to go drink my tea and read my magazine. (Bickel:guess who is on the cover of my magazine?? That's right...Bond...James Bond)

So PS...I went to the blogger site and it is in Dutch, so I went with it. I pretty much know where to click. I then went to spellcheck, and majority of the words show that they are misspelled. Well it is because they are not Dutch. I thought I totally had lost my ability to write in English.

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